What is your heart saying? How are you honoring that? What needs releasing in order to bring what the heart wants forward?
Read MoreI recently did a short guided Tantric meditation that focused on the Heart Chakra. In this mediation, you were to visualize the heart center as a lotus flower. With every inhale, you imagined your flower (heart) opening. With the exhale, your flower closed in protection but not completely. Putting attention in that region and allowing safe receptivity was an interesting experience.
Read MoreThe point of focus for Jan 15-28 was "Variations on Theme". Or working on multiples in a consistent style. My way of accomplishing this was to mainly work within color palettes. Often times I would begin 3 pieces at the same time so that at least the starting place was in a similar place.
Read MoreThe point of focus for Jan. 15-28 is Variations on Theme. So for this focus, the intent is to create more than one piece in a similar style. I will be trying for at least three pieces that take on a similar feel. It could spread into three consecutive days or make three pieces in one day. The image is an example of how this may look. It could be in the form of sketches, full fledged paintings, or just a color way. The rule is loose!
Read MoreHow has your new year been so far? All the new energy has me feeling inspired, but at the same time struggling to keep up with the tasks I've set for myself. One thing I've learned in these first couple of weeks is that meditation is hard but also really helpful. I've been experimenting with when I do my meditation (before, during, or after painting) and its been interesting to observe it's influence. When I first meditate and then paint, my work takes on a much more serene feel. When I paint first, and meditate afterward, my work is more energetic but I feel less anxious energy. I've heard that it takes 21 days to create a habit, so I'm going to try and continue to incorporate mediation alongside my painting longer with the hopes that it gets easier!
Read MoreWhatever your relationship may be with your art practice, for these first few weeks (Jan 1-15) I invite you to consciously incorporate some form of meditation practice alongside your making. This could manifest in many ways, and there is no reason why it cannot be as individual as your own creative pursuits.
Read MoreWhile the 2017 Art Every Day project focused on the "quality of the moment", for 2018 I will be taking a different approach. There will be weekly and/or monthly points of focus that might include working with a particular color/subject/etc, following a different procedure while making, or some combination of the two.
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